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  • jacksoncho

Is it good to view a house on a rainy day?

Seeing a house on a rainy day has its own set of pros and cons. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages:


1.) Identifying Leaks and Drainage Issues:

  • A rainy day is the perfect time to check for leaks in a house. You can easily spot leaks in the ceiling, walls, basement, around windows, etc.

  • You can assess the performance of the drainage system by checking for water puddles around the house and any clogged drains. 2.) Insulation and Window Performance Check:

  • You can verify if water is seeping through the cracks around windows and doors. This helps evaluate the insulation performance and the installation condition of the windows. 3.) Evaluating Noise and Humidity Levels:

  • Rainy days allow you to assess changes in indoor humidity and noise levels, particularly how loud the rain sounds through the roof or windows. 4.) Understanding Real-life Living Conditions:

  • You can observe the state of roads, parking areas, and accessibility around the house during rainy weather. This includes checking the condition of driveways and the drainage of parking areas.


1.) Limited Visibility and Mobility:

  • Rain can restrict visibility and make the process of viewing the house uncomfortable. It might be challenging to inspect the exterior of the house. 2.) Restricted Outdoor Activities:

  • It’s difficult to properly evaluate outdoor spaces such as gardens, terraces, and balconies. Rain might hinder your ability to judge the usability of these areas. 3.) Negative First Impressions:

  • Rain can make the house appear darker and gloomier, potentially giving a negative first impression to buyers. 4.) Scheduling Difficulties:

  • Visiting a house on a rainy day can be inconvenient in terms of timing and scheduling. Heavy rain might also make transportation more difficult.

Conclusion Viewing a house on a rainy day is an excellent opportunity to identify critical issues such as leaks, but it also comes with challenges like limited visibility and difficulty evaluating outdoor spaces. It's advisable to visit the house under various weather conditions before making a purchase to get a comprehensive assessment of its overall state.

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