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189 items found

  • 다시 사무실로? 출퇴근 변화가 주택 시장에 미치는 영향

    지난 몇 년 동안  원격 근무가 확산되면서, 많은 사람들이 주거지를 자유롭게 선택할 수 있는 기회를 가졌습니다. 이 덕분에 많은 직장인들이  도심을 떠나 넓은 집과 쾌적한 환경을 찾아 교외나 더 먼 지역으로 이주 했는데요. 하지만 최근 많은 기업들이  사무실 출근을 다시 의무화하면서 , 다시 주거지를 고민하는 사람들이 늘어나고 있습니다.출퇴근 시간과 거리에 대한 고려가 다시 중요한 요소로 떠오르고 있는 것입니다. 오늘은  사무실 복귀 정책이 주택 시장에 미치는 영향과, 앞으로 어떤 변화가 예상되는지  살펴보겠습니다.   원격 근무 시대, 그리고 그 이후의 변화 ✔ 팬데믹 기간 동안, 원격 근무가 가능해지면서  많은 사람들이 도심에서 벗어나 넓은 주택을 찾기 시작 했습니다.✔  교외 및 시골 지역의 주택 수요가 증가 하면서, 이 지역의 집값도 함께 상승했습니다.✔ 하지만, 최근 기업들이 다시 출근을 요구하면서  출퇴근 부담이 커진 사람들이 다시 도심으로 이동하는 추세 를 보이고 있습니다. Bright MLS의 조사에 따르면, 응답자의 절반 이상이  사무실 복귀 정책이 시행되면 현재의 주거지를 다시 고려해야 할 것 이라고 답했습니다. 원격 근무가 가능할 때는 괜찮았던 거리도,  매일 출퇴근해야 한다면 감당하기 어려운 수준 이 될 수 있기 때문입니다. 출퇴근이 문제되는 이유는 크게 세 가지입니다. 1.       시간적인 부담 예상보다  출퇴근 시간이 길어질 경우, 자유 시간이 급격히 줄어듦 하루 2시간 이상을 출퇴근에 소비한다면, 삶의 질에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있음 2.       비용적인 부담 장거리 통근은  기름값, 대중교통 요금, 차량 유지비  등의 비용이 추가로 발생 교통비 증가로 인해 생활비 부담이 커질 가능성이 있음 3.       신체적·정신적 피로 장거리 출퇴근은  육체적인 피로뿐만 아니라, 정신적으로도 스트레스를 증가 출퇴근 스트레스가 누적되면  업무 효율성 저하 및 전반적인 삶의 만족도 감소 로 이어질 수 있음 결론적으로 일반적으로는 도심지의 부동산에 대한 수요가 증가할 것으로 보입니다. 이에따라 좋은 교외지역의 도시들은 약간의 추가적인 공급을 가질 수 도 있어 보입니다. 하지만 이미 취학 아동을 교외의 좋은 학군의 학교에 보내고 있는 가정에서는 보다 심각한 고민이 될것입니다. 아직은 시장이 어떻게 변한다 말하기는 조금 이른 시기입니다. 계속해서 팔로업 하면서 눈에 띄는 트렌드가 나타날 때 또 한 번 같은 주제로 글을 적어보도록 하겠습니다.  #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend #부동산투자 #MarketTrend #재택근무 #workfromhome #backtooffice

  • Back to the Office? How Commuting Changes Impact the Housing Market

    In recent years, remote work has allowed many people the freedom to choose their place of residence. As a result, many workers moved away from urban areas to suburban or even rural areas in search of larger homes and more comfortable living environments. However, with many companies now requiring employees to return to the office, more people are reconsidering their living arrangements. Commuting time and distance are once again becoming key factors in housing decisions. Today, let's explore the impact of return-to-office policies on the housing market and what changes we might expect in the future. The Remote Work Era and Changes Afterward ✔ During the pandemic, as remote work became possible, many people began looking for larger homes outside of urban centers.✔ The demand for homes in suburban and rural areas increased, leading to a rise in property prices in these areas.✔ Recently, however, as companies are requiring employees to return to the office, more people are moving back to urban centers due to the burden of commuting.According to a survey by Bright MLS:• Over half of respondents said they would need to reconsider their current living arrangements if return-to-office policies were enforced.• What was manageable in terms of distance when remote work was an option, becomes difficult to handle when commuting daily. Why Commuting is Becoming a Problem Again There are three main reasons why commuting is becoming a concern again: Time Burden • If commuting time increases unexpectedly, it drastically reduces free time. • Spending over two hours a day commuting can significantly impact quality of life. Financial Burden • Long commutes lead to additional costs like fuel, public transport fares, and vehicle maintenance. • Rising transportation costs could increase overall living expenses. Physical and Mental Fatigue • Long-distance commuting can lead to physical exhaustion as well as increased mental stress. • Commuting stress can accumulate, leading to reduced work efficiency and lower overall life satisfaction. Conclusion In general, the demand for real estate in urban areas is expected to rise. As a result, good suburban cities may see some additional supply. However, families who have already moved to suburban areas for better school districts may face more difficult decisions. It’s still too early to say how the market will change. As trends emerge, I plan to follow up and write another post on this topic when noticeable changes occur.   #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend #부동산투자 #MarketTrend #재택근무 #workfromhome #backtooffice

  • 집을 팔기 전, 사전 점검(Pre-Listing Inspection)이 필요할까?

    집을 팔 때 가장 피하고 싶은 상황 중 하나는  구매자의 홈 인스펙션(inspection) 과정에서 예상치 못한 문제가 발견되어 거래가 지연되거나 깨지는 것 입니다.이런 문제를 미리 방지하는 방법 중 하나가 바로  사전 점검(Pre-Listing Inspection) 입니다. 오늘은  사전 점검이 무엇인지, 그리고 왜 고려해볼 만한지  알아보겠습니다.   사전 점검(Pre-Listing Inspection)이란? 사전 점검은 집을 시장에 내놓기 전에, 판매자가 직접 진행하는 주택 점검 과정입니다. - 전문가가 집을 점검하며  구조적인 문제, 오래된 전기 시스템, 난방·냉방(HVAC) 시스템의 결함 등 거래에 영향을 줄 수 있는 사항 을 찾아냅니다.- 일반적으로  구매자가 오퍼를 넣고 진행하는 인스펙션과 동일한 방식으로 진행되지만, 판매자가 미리 점검하여 대비할 수 있다는 점이 다릅니다. 모든 집에 필요할까?Bankrate 에 따르면 사전 점검은 판매자에게 도움이 될 수 있지만, 모든 경우에 필수적인 것은 아니라고 합니다. 예를 들어, 집이 비교적 새 것이거나 오랜 기간 한 소유주가 관리한 경우, 이미 주요 문제를 잘 알고 있을 가능성이 크기에 그리 필요하지 않을 수 있습니다.  하지만 오래된 주택의 경우, 사전 점검을 통해 예상치 못한 문제를 미리 파악하는 것이 유용할 수 있다 합니다. 즉,  집의 연식, 유지 관리 상태, 시장 상황 등을 고려하여 필요성을 판단하는 것이 중요합니다.   지금 사전 점검을 고려해볼 만한 이유 최근 주택 시장에서  구매자들이 점점 더 신중해지고 있기 때문 입니다.- 높은 금리와 주택 가격으로 인해,  구매자들은 자신이 투자하는 집이 그만한 가치가 있는지 더욱 꼼꼼하게 따지고 있습니다. - 이런 시장 상황에서 사전 점검이 강력한 판매 전략이 될 수 있습니다. 사전 점검의 주요 이점 1.       미리 수리할 시간을 확보할 수 있음 2.     협상 과정에서 예상치 못한 문제를 줄일 수 있음 3.       집을 더 빨리, 좋은 조건에 판매할 수 있음 즉,  구매자가 걱정 없이 신속하게 결정할 수 있는 환경을 만들어주는 것이 핵심 입니다. 부동산 에이전트가 도와줄 수 있는 부분 사전 점검을 고려하기 전에  부동산 전문가와 먼저 상담하는 것이 중요합니다.  왜냐하면 좋은 에이전트는 다음의 사항들을 도와드릴 수 있기 때문입니다. 1. 수리 우선순위 조언 - 점검 과정에서 발견된 문제 중에서  구매자들에게 가장 중요한 요소가 무엇인지  조언 제공- 예산 내에서  가장 효율적인 수리 전략 수립 가능 2. 법적 고지 사항(Disclosure) 관리 - 사전 점검에서 발견된 문제를 모두 수리할 필요는 없지만, 해당 사항을 구매자에게 공개(Disclosure)해야 하는 경우가 있음 - 어 떤 내용을 공개해야 하는지, 법적 요건을 충족하는 방법에 대한 전문가 조언 필수 집을 팔 계획이 있다면, 사전 점검이 필요할지 전문가와 상의해 보세요! 전문가의 조언을 통해  최적의 판매 전략을 세우고, 더 빠르고 좋은 조건에 거래할 수 있도록 준비해 보세요.집을 팔기 전, 사전 점검(Pre-Listing Inspection)이 필요할까? 집을 팔 때 가장 피하고 싶은 상황 중 하나는  구매자의 홈 인스펙션(inspection) 과정에서 예상치 못한 문제가 발견되어 거래가 지연되거나 깨지는 것 입니다.이런 문제를 미리 방지하는 방법 중 하나가 바로  사전 점검(Pre-Listing Inspection) 입니다. 오늘은  사전 점검이 무엇인지, 그리고 왜 고려해볼 만한지  알아보겠습니다.   사전 점검(Pre-Listing Inspection)이란? 사전 점검은 집을 시장에 내놓기 전에, 판매자가 직접 진행하는 주택 점검 과정입니다. - 전문가가 집을 점검하며  구조적인 문제, 오래된 전기 시스템, 난방·냉방(HVAC) 시스템의 결함 등 거래에 영향을 줄 수 있는 사항 을 찾아냅니다.- 일반적으로  구매자가 오퍼를 넣고 진행하는 인스펙션과 동일한 방식으로 진행되지만, 판매자가 미리 점검하여 대비할 수 있다는 점이 다릅니다. 모든 집에 필요할까?Bankrate 에 따르면 사전 점검은 판매자에게 도움이 될 수 있지만, 모든 경우에 필수적인 것은 아니라고 합니다. 예를 들어, 집이 비교적 새 것이거나 오랜 기간 한 소유주가 관리한 경우, 이미 주요 문제를 잘 알고 있을 가능성이 크기에 그리 필요하지 않을 수 있습니다.  하지만 오래된 주택의 경우, 사전 점검을 통해 예상치 못한 문제를 미리 파악하는 것이 유용할 수 있다 합니다. 즉,  집의 연식, 유지 관리 상태, 시장 상황 등을 고려하여 필요성을 판단하는 것이 중요합니다.   지금 사전 점검을 고려해볼 만한 이유 최근 주택 시장에서  구매자들이 점점 더 신중해지고 있기 때문 입니다.- 높은 금리와 주택 가격으로 인해,  구매자들은 자신이 투자하는 집이 그만한 가치가 있는지 더욱 꼼꼼하게 따지고 있습니다. - 이런 시장 상황에서 사전 점검이 강력한 판매 전략이 될 수 있습니다. 사전 점검의 주요 이점 1.       미리 수리할 시간을 확보할 수 있음 2.     협상 과정에서 예상치 못한 문제를 줄일 수 있음 3.       집을 더 빨리, 좋은 조건에 판매할 수 있음 즉,  구매자가 걱정 없이 신속하게 결정할 수 있는 환경을 만들어주는 것이 핵심 입니다. 부동산 에이전트가 도와줄 수 있는 부분 사전 점검을 고려하기 전에  부동산 전문가와 먼저 상담하는 것이 중요합니다.  왜냐하면 좋은 에이전트는 다음의 사항들을 도와드릴 수 있기 때문입니다. 1. 수리 우선순위 조언 - 점검 과정에서 발견된 문제 중에서  구매자들에게 가장 중요한 요소가 무엇인지  조언 제공- 예산 내에서  가장 효율적인 수리 전략 수립 가능 2. 법적 고지 사항(Disclosure) 관리 - 사전 점검에서 발견된 문제를 모두 수리할 필요는 없지만, 해당 사항을 구매자에게 공개(Disclosure)해야 하는 경우가 있음 - 어 떤 내용을 공개해야 하는지, 법적 요건을 충족하는 방법에 대한 전문가 조언 필수 집을 팔 계획이 있다면, 사전 점검이 필요할지 전문가와 상의해 보세요! 전문가의 조언을 통해  최적의 판매 전략을 세우고, 더 빠르고 좋은 조건에 거래할 수 있도록 준비해 보세요. #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend #부동산투자 #MarketTrend #preinspection

  • Do You Need a Pre-Listing Inspection Before Selling Your Home?

    One of the most frustrating situations when selling a home is when unexpected issues are discovered during the buyer's home inspection, leading to delays or even the deal falling through. One way to prevent this is through a  Pre-Listing Inspection . Today, let’s explore what a Pre-Listing Inspection is and why you might want to consider it. What is a Pre-Listing Inspection?  A Pre-Listing Inspection is a process where the seller has the home inspected by a professional before it is listed on the market. An expert inspects the house to identify any structural issues, outdated electrical systems, HVAC system defects, or other issues that could affect the sale. It’s similar to the inspection the buyer would do after making an offer, but the key difference is that the seller addresses potential issues before listing the property. Is It Necessary for Every Home?  According to Bankrate, a Pre-Listing Inspection can be beneficial for sellers, but it’s not essential for every home. For example, if the house is relatively new or has been well-maintained by a single owner for a long time, the seller may already be aware of any major issues, making the inspection less necessary. However, for older homes, a Pre-Listing Inspection could be helpful in uncovering potential issues ahead of time. It’s important to consider the age of the home, its maintenance history, and the current market conditions when deciding if it’s needed. Reasons to Consider a Pre-Listing Inspection Now  In today’s real estate market, buyers are becoming more cautious. Due to high interest rates and home prices, buyers are paying close attention to whether the home they’re investing in is worth it. In this market, a Pre-Listing Inspection can be a strong selling strategy. Main Benefits of a Pre-Listing Inspection Time to Make Repairs:  You have time to address issues before listing. Reduces Surprises in Negotiations:  Helps avoid unexpected issues during the buyer's inspection and reduces negotiation hurdles. Faster Sale at Better Terms:  A smooth inspection can lead to a quicker sale at more favorable terms. Essentially, the goal is to create an environment where the buyer can make a quick, confident decision without concerns. How a Real Estate Agent Can Help  Before deciding on a Pre-Listing Inspection, it’s important to consult with a real estate expert. A good agent can assist with the following: Repair Priority Advice:  Guidance on which issues are most important to buyers and what repairs should be prioritized. They can help you create an efficient repair strategy within your budget. Disclosure Management:  You don’t need to repair everything found during the Pre-Listing Inspection, but you may need to disclose certain issues to potential buyers. A real estate expert can advise on what needs to be disclosed and how to meet legal requirements. If you plan to sell your home, consider consulting with an expert to determine if a Pre-Listing Inspection is necessary. By doing so, you can develop the best strategy for a quicker and more profitable sale.   #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend #부동산투자 #MarketTrend #preinspection

  • 다시 활기를 찾는 부동산 시장 – 지금이 집을 팔 적기일까?

    최근 몇 년간  높은 금리와 주택 가격 상승 으로 인해 집을 사려던 많은 사람들이 계획을 미뤘습니다.하지만 이제  점점 더 많은 사람들이 다시 주택 시장에 돌아오고 있습니다. 모기지 이자율이 안정되면서, 잠시 멈췄던 구매자들이 다시 움직이고 있는 것 인데요. 전미부동산협회(NAR)는 "구매자들이 6%대 후반의 이자율에 적응하고 있다"라고 밝히며,   이제 더 이상 높은 금리가 주택 구매를 막는 주요 장벽이 되지 않을 것이라고 분석했습니다. 즉,  시장에 다시 활기가 돌기 시작하면서, 집을 팔려는 분들에게도 좋은 기회가 될 수 있습니다. 주택 시장에서 다시 바빠지는 3가지 신호 1.    모기지 신청 증가 **모기지 은행 협회(MBA)**에 따르면,  2024년 초부터 모기지 신청 건수가 37% 증가 했습니다. 이는  주택 구매를 위해 본격적으로 대출을 신청하는 사람들이 많아지고 있다는 신호 입니다 모기지 신청은  구매자가 본격적으로 집을 살 준비를 하고 있다는 의미 이기 때문입니다. 즉,  이제 시장에 진지한 구매자들이 많아지고 있다는 뜻 입니다.   2.    구매 수요 회복Redfin의 주택 구매 수요 지수(Homebuyer Demand Index)에 따르면,   2025년 시작 이후 수요가 3% 증가 했습니다. 3%라는 숫자가 아주 커 보이진 않지만,  시장에 다시 활력이 돌고 있다는 신호 입니다. 구매자가 늘어난다는 것은  집을 팔려는 사람들에게도 더 많은 기회가 생긴다는 의미 입니다.   3.     주택 방문 수 증가ShowingTime 데이터에 따르면, 2025년 초부터 주택 방문(Showings)이 13% 증가 했습니다. 즉,  더 많은 사람들이 실제로 매물을 보러 다니고 있다는 뜻 입니다. 주택 방문이 늘어나면,  내 집을 보러 오는 사람이 많아질 가능성이 높아집니다 . 즉, 더 많은 관심이 모이면,  결국 더 많은 오퍼(구매 제안)가 들어올 확률이 높아집니다.   즉, 집을 팔려는 계획이 있었다면, 지금이 좋은 기회가 될 가능성이 큽니다.  올해 안에 집을 판매하실 계획이 있다면, 현재 시장에서 내 집이 어떤 가치를 가지고 있는지 전문가와 상담하고, 최적의 전략을 세워보시길 권해드립니다. #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend #부동산투자 #MarketTrend

  • A Reviving Real Estate Market – Is Now the Right Time to Sell Your Home?

    In recent years, high interest rates and rising home prices have caused many potential buyers to delay their plans. However, more and more people are now returning to the housing market. With mortgage rates stabilizing, buyers who had previously paused are now starting to take action. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) has stated, "Buyers are adjusting to mortgage rates in the high 6% range," and they believe that high rates will no longer be a major barrier to home purchases. As the market gains momentum again, this could be a great opportunity for those looking to sell. 3 Signs That the Housing Market Is Picking Up Again Increase in Mortgage Applications According to the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), mortgage applications have increased by 37% since the beginning of 2024. This indicates that more people are applying for loans to purchase homes, signaling that buyers are now seriously preparing to buy. This means the market is seeing more committed buyers. Recovery in Buyer Demand According to Redfin's Homebuyer Demand Index, demand increased by 3% since the start of 2025. While a 3% increase may not seem huge, it’s a sign that the market is gaining momentum again. An increase in buyers means more opportunities for those looking to sell their homes. Increase in Home Showings Data from ShowingTime shows that home showings have increased by 13% since early 2025. This means more people are actively going to see homes in person. As home showings increase, there's a higher chance of attracting more potential buyers, which in turn increases the likelihood of receiving more offers. If you were planning to sell your home, now could be a great opportunity. If you plan to sell this year, it’s recommended to consult with a real estate expert to determine the current market value of your home and strategize accordingly for the best possible outcome.   #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend #부동산투자 #MarketTrend

  • 지난 5년간 집값이 급등! 내 집 가치는 얼마나 올랐을까?

    최근 몇 년 동안  집값이 계속 오르고 있다 는 뉴스를 많이 보셨을 겁니다.그런데,  이것이 실제로 내 집에는 어떤 의미를 가질까요? ✔  지난 5년 동안 미국의 주택 가격은 평균 60% 가까이 상승했습니다. ✔  일반적으로 집값은 연간  5% 정도 오르지만, 2021 2022년에는 20% 이상 급등한 지역도 많았습니다. 이처럼  역대급 상승을 경험한 지금, 내 집을 팔면 예상보다 훨씬 더 높은 수익을 얻을 수 있을지도 모릅니다. 그렇다면, 지금 내 집 가치는 얼마나 올랐을까요? 지난 5년간 집값 상승, 얼마나 컸을까? ✔  일반적인 주택 가격 상승률 : 연간  2~5% ✔  2021~2022년 팬데믹 기간 동안 :  전국 평균 20% 이상 급등 ✔  지난 5년간 평균 상승률 : 약  60% 증가 이러한 상승이 발생한 이유는? 매물 부족 : 시장에 나온 집이 부족했고, 구매자 급증 : 팬데믹 동안 낮은 금리와 원격 근무 확산으로 인해 주택 수요가 폭발적으로 증가했기 때문입니다. 지금은 시장이 다소 안정되었지만,  이미 오른 집값은 그대로 유지되고 있어 집을 팔 계획이 있다면,  지금이 상당히 유리한 시기일 수 있습니다. 내 집 가치는 얼마나 올랐을까? ✔ 최근  연방주택금융청(FHFA)의 데이터에 따르면, 지난 5년간 미국 전체적으로 평균 60% 이상의 가격 상승 을 기록했습니다. 지역별로 차이가 크므로, 특정 주(state)나 도시별 데이터를 확인하는 것이 중요합니다. 📌  특히, 집을 오래 보유한 경우에는? 최근 5년간의 급등한 가격 에 그 이전 5년간의 정상적인 상승률까지 더해지면서 생각보다 훨씬 더 높은 주택 가치를 형성하고 있을 가능성이 큽니다.   "내 집, 실제로 얼마에 팔릴까?" – 정확한 가치를 아는 방법 📌  일반적인 데이터와 뉴스에서 말하는 상승률만으로는 내 집의 정확한 가치를 알기 어렵습니다. ✔  내 지역의 부동산 시장 상황 ✔  최근 거래된 유사 매물의 가격 ✔  내 집의 상태(리모델링 여부 등) 이 모든 요소를 고려해야 정확한 주택 가치를 알 수 있습니다. 따라서, 가장 정확한 방법은 지역 부동산 전문가와 상담하는 것입니다. 📢  부동산 에이전트가 도와줄 수 있는 것내 지역 시장 데이터 분석현재 매물 부족 여부에 따른 가격 변동 전망집을 팔기 전에 수익을 극대화할 수 있는 방법 제안 부동산 전문가와 상담하면  지금 내 집이 얼마나 가치가 있는지,그리고 최적의 판매 전략이 무엇인지 알 수 있습니다. 결론 – 집값 상승 덕분에 더 높은 수익을 기대할 수 있다! 지난 5년간 집값은 평균 60% 상승 – 지역에 따라 차이가 있음예상보다 더 높은 가치로 집을 팔 수 있는 좋은 기회내 집의 정확한 가치를 알고 싶다면? 부동산 전문가와 상담하는 것이 필수! 📢  집을 팔 생각이 있다면, 먼저 내 집이 얼마에 팔릴 수 있는지 정확히 파악해보세요. 부동산 전문가와 상담하여  현재 시장에서 최대한의 가치를 얻을 수 있도록 전략을 세우는 것이 중요합니다. #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend #부동산투자 #MarketTrend

  • Home Prices Soared in the Last 5 Years! How Much Has Your Home Appreciated?

    You’ve probably seen news reports about how home prices have been steadily rising in recent years. But what does this mean for your own home? ✔ Over the past five years, U.S. home prices have increased by an average of nearly 60%. ✔ Typically, home prices rise about 5% per year, but in 2021-2022, many areas saw increases of over 20%.Given this historic surge, you may be able to sell your home for much more than you expected. So, how much has your home’s value increased? How Much Have Home Prices Increased in the Last 5 Years? ✔ Average annual price increase: 2-5% ✔ During the 2021-2022 pandemic period: National average saw a surge of over 20% ✔ Over the past 5 years: Average increase of about 60% Why Did This Surge Happen?   •  Lack of inventory : There was a shortage of homes on the market, •  Surge in buyers : The pandemic led to lower interest rates and a rise in remote work, which drove home buying demand to skyrocket.While the market has stabilized somewhat, home prices have largely remained high. If you're considering selling, now may be a favorable time. How Much Has My Home Appreciated?   ✔ According to recent data from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), • Over the past 5 years, U.S. home prices have increased by an average of over 60%. • Price increases vary significantly by location, so it’s essential to check data for your specific state or city. 📌  Especially if You've Owned Your Home for a Long Time: • The dramatic increase in prices over the past 5 years, • Plus the steady rise in the previous 5 years, • Could mean your home’s value is significantly higher than expected. "How Much Can I Sell My Home For?" – How to Know Its True Value 📌 Relying on average data and news reports about price increases alone won’t give you an accurate assessment of your home’s value. ✔ You need to consider: The local real estate market conditions, The prices of similar homes that have recently sold, The condition of your home (e.g., renovations or updates). For an accurate estimate, the best approach is to consult a local real estate expert. How Real Estate Agents Can Help Analyze local market data, Advise on price fluctuations based on current inventory, Suggest strategies to maximize your profit before selling. A real estate expert can help you determine your home’s value and the best approach to selling it. Conclusion – Take Advantage of the Price Surge for Higher Profits Home prices have risen by an average of 60% over the past 5 years, with regional variations.This may present an excellent opportunity to sell your home for a much higher value than expected.To know your home’s exact worth, consulting a real estate expert is essential!📢 If you're thinking about selling, start by understanding how much your home could sell for. A real estate expert can help you strategize to maximize your sale price. #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend #부동산투자 #MarketTrend

  • 🏡 물가는 오르지만, 주택 구매는 인플레이션을 막는 방법이 될 수 있습니다

    요즘 들어 모든 것이 점점 더 비싸지는 느낌이 듭니다.실제로 인플레이션이 예상보다 더 오랜 기간 높은 수준을 유지하면서,  상품과 서비스의 가격뿐만 아니라 생활 전반의 비용이 상승하고 있습니다. 이런 상황에서  지금이 정말 집을 사기에 좋은 시기일까?  하는 고민이 들 수 있습니다.하지만 좋은 소식이 있습니다.  주택을 소유하는 것은 인플레이션으로 인한 경제적 불확실성을 막는 가장 효과적인 방법 중 하나입니다.   고정금리 모기지는 주거비 상승으로부터 당신을 보호합니다 주택을 구매할 때  고정금리 모기지 를 선택하면,  매달 가장 큰 지출 항목인 주택담보대출(모기지) 상환액이 안정적으로 유지됩니다. ✔ 물론,  재산세(Property Tax)나 주택 보험(Homeowner’s Insurance) 비용은 변동될 수 있습니다. ✔ 하지만,  모기지 원금과 이자(Principal & Interest) 비용은 절대 변하지 않습니다. 반면,  월세를 내는 경우에는 상황이 다릅니다. 렌트비는 시간이 지남에 따라 오르는 경향이 있으며,  보통 인플레이션보다 빠르게 상승하는 경우가 많습니다. 📌  미국 경제분석국(BEA - B ureau of Economic Analysis )과Census Bureau의 자료에 따르면, 평균 렌트비는 지속적으로 상승하고 있으며, 특히 인플레이션이 높아질 때 더 빠르게 증가합니다. 즉,  렌트 생활을 유지하는 경우, 매년 더 높은 주거비를 감당해야 할 가능성이 크지만, 주택을 소유하면 모기지 금액이 고정되면서 예산을 더욱 효과적으로 관리할 수 있습니다.   집값 상승은 인플레이션을 이기는 강력한 투자 수단입니다 또 다른 이유는  주택 가격은 장기적으로 상승하는 경향이 있으며, 종종 인플레이션보다 빠르게 오른다는 점입니다. 📌  BEA와Fannie Mae의 자료에 따르면, 역사적으로 주택 가격 상승률은 인플레이션율을 초과하는 경우가 많습니다. 이는 부동산이  장기적인 자산 가치 보호 및 증식 수단으로 매우 강력한 투자처 라는 의미입니다.인플레이션이 심화되면, 현금의 가치는 줄어들지만,  부동산은 가치를 유지하거나 상승하는 경향이 있습니다. 하지만  렌트를 살고 있다면, 인플레이션에 대한 보호 장치가 없습니다. 오히려 반대로, 물가가 상승할수록 건물주가 추가 비용을 테넌트(임차인)에게 전가하면서 렌트비를 올리는 경우가 많습니다. 즉,  렌트 생활을 하면 계속해서 비용만 증가할 뿐, 개인의 자산 가치는 증가하지 않습니다. 하지만,  주택을 소유하면 시간이 지남에 따라 집값이 오르면서 자연스럽게 순자산(Net Worth)이 증가하게 됩니다. 현재 전문가들은 앞으로도  주택 가격이 계속 상승할 것 으로 전망하고 있습니다.즉,  지금 주택을 구매하면, 시간이 지나면서 인플레이션보다 높은 수익을 기대할 수 있는 안정적인 투자 가 될 가능성이 큽니다. 결론 – 집을 사면 인플레이션으로부터 경제적 안정성을 확보할 수 있습니다 ✅  고정금리 모기지는 주거비를 안정적으로 유지하게 해줍니다. ✅  주택 가격 상승은 장기적으로 인플레이션을 능가하는 강력한 투자 효과를 가질 수 있습니다. ✅  렌트비는 지속적으로 상승하는 반면, 주택을 소유하면 오히려 순자산이 증가합니다. 📢  인플레이션이 계속되는 지금, 주택 구매는 예산을 보호하고 장기적인 부를 형성하는 현명한 선택이 될 수 있습니다. 부동산 전문가와 상담하여, 당신에게 적합한 주택 구매 전략을 계획해보세요. #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #inflation

  • Housing Prices Are Rising, but Buying a Home Could Be a Way to Combat Inflation

    Lately, everything seems to be getting more expensive. In fact, inflation has been lasting longer than expected, and the costs of goods and services, as well as living expenses, are on the rise. In this situation, you may wonder if now is really a good time to buy a home. But here's the good news: owning a home is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from the economic uncertainty caused by inflation. Fixed-Rate Mortgages Protect You from Rising Housing Costs When purchasing a home, choosing a fixed-rate mortgage means that your largest monthly expense—your mortgage payment—remains stable. ✔ Of course, property taxes or homeowner's insurance might fluctuate. ✔ However, the principal and interest portion of your mortgage will never change. In contrast, renting presents a different scenario. Rent tends to increase over time, often rising faster than inflation. 📌 According to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the Census Bureau, average rent has been consistently increasing and tends to rise even more rapidly when inflation is high. In other words, if you continue to rent, you'll likely face higher housing costs every year, but if you own a home, your mortgage payments remain fixed, allowing you to better manage your budget. Rising Home Prices: A Powerful Investment Tool Against Inflation Another reason to buy a home is that property values tend to rise over the long term, often outpacing inflation. 📌 According to data from BEA and Fannie Mae, historically, home price appreciation has often exceeded inflation rates. This makes real estate a very strong investment vehicle for preserving and growing asset value over time. When inflation intensifies, the value of cash declines, but real estate tends to maintain or even increase in value. However, if you are renting, there is no built-in protection against inflation. In fact, as prices rise, landlords often pass additional costs onto tenants by raising rents. So, by renting, you continue to see rising expenses with no increase in your asset value. On the other hand, when you own a home, its value naturally rises over time, increasing your net worth. Conclusion – Buying a Home Secures Economic Stability Amid Inflation ✅ A fixed-rate mortgage ensures stable housing costs.✅ Rising home prices can provide strong investment returns, surpassing inflation in the long run.✅ While rent continues to rise, homeownership leads to an increase in net worth. 📢 With inflation continuing, buying a home could be a wise decision to protect your budget and build long-term wealth. Consult with a real estate expert to plan a home-buying strategy that’s right for you. #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #inflation

  • The U.S. Real Estate Market in 2025: What's Changing?

    As 2025 begins, signs of change are emerging in the U.S. real estate market. After the hot market during the pandemic, things are gradually stabilizing, and there is growing interest in home prices, mortgage interest rates, and inventory trends. Let's take a look at the 2025 U.S. real estate market trends based on recent data. 1. Slowing Home Price Growth – Now Entering a Stabilization Phase After a steep rise in home prices over the past few years, 2025 is expected to see a more moderate increase. ✔ According to the  National Association of Realtors (NAR) , the median home price in the U.S. is projected to be about $410,700 in 2025, marking a 2% increase compared to the previous year. ✔ In contrast to the sharp price surge during the 2020-2022 pandemic period, the market is now expected to show a more stable trend. ✔ Regional differences may be significant, so it's important to monitor the market conditions in specific areas.We can expect gradual growth and market stabilization rather than extreme price increases. 2. Mortgage Rates Remain a Concern ✔ Mortgage rates, which fluctuated throughout 2024, are likely to remain in the high 6% range in 2025. ✔ High interest rates can reduce buyers' purchasing power and may slow down the recovery of the real estate market. 📌 What to ConsiderHigher mortgage rates lead to higher monthly payments, so it's crucial to carefully evaluate loan terms and make long-term plans before buying. Additionally, there may be a slight drop in rates, so it's important to keep an eye on market trends. 3. Increased Inventory – More Opportunities for Buyers ✔ Inventory shortages were a major issue in recent years, but ✔ In 2025, the number of homes on the market is expected to gradually increase, providing more choices for buyers. 📌 Why This Matters 1️⃣ Reduced Competition – Intense bidding wars, which were common during the pandemic, are likely to decrease. 2️⃣ More Options – Buyers may have more opportunities to find homes with better conditions.However, inventory situations can still vary by location, so it's important to track the market conditions in your desired area. 2025 U.S. Real Estate Market Outlook ✔ Home prices will likely continue to rise at a moderate pace, with no drastic increases or decreases. ✔ Mortgage rates will remain high, which could be a burden for homebuyers. ✔ As inventory increases, the market is expected to stabilize further.In conclusion, 2025 will likely be a year of "finding balance" rather than experiencing extreme price fluctuations.If you're planning to buy or sell a home, it’s crucial to consult with an expert to analyze the current situation and approach strategically. Are you thinking about the real estate market?If you want to create a strategic plan that reflects the latest market trends, consult with a real estate expert.   #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend

  • 2025년 미국 부동산 시장, 어떻게 변하고 있을까?

    2025년이 시작되면서 미국 부동산 시장에도 변화의 조짐이 보이고 있습니다.팬데믹 이후 뜨거웠던 시장이 서서히 안정되면서  집값, 모기지 이자율, 매물 동향  등에 대한 관심이 커지고 있는데요.최근 데이터를 바탕으로  2025년 미국 부동산 시장 트렌드 를 살펴보겠습니다.  1. 집값 상승세 둔화 – 이제는 안정화 국면 지난 몇 년간 급등했던 집값이  2025년에는 비교적 완만한 상승세를 보일 전망입니다. ✔  전미부동산협회(NAR) 에 따르면,  2025년 미국 주택 중간 가격은 약 41만 700달러로 예상되며, 이는 전년 대비 2% 상승한 수치 입니다. ✔ 2020~2022년 팬데믹 기간 동안의 급격한 상승과 비교하면,  이제는 보다 안정적인 흐름 을 보이고 있습니다. ✔  지역별 차이가 클 수 있으므로, 특정 지역의 시장 흐름을 확인하는 것이 중요합니다. 이제는 극단적인 가격 상승보다는  점진적인 성장과 시장 안정화가 예상되는 시기 라고 볼 수 있습니다.   2. 모기지 이자율, 여전히 부담 요인 ✔ 2024년 동안 지속적으로 변동했던  모기지 이자율 은 2025년에도  6% 후반대를 유지할 가능성이 높습니다. ✔ 높은 이자율은  주택 구매자들의 구매력을 낮추고, 부동산 시장의 회복 속도를 조절하는 역할 을 할 수 있습니다. 📌  고려해야 할 점 모기지 이자율이 높을수록 월 상환액이 커지기 때문에,  구매 전 대출 조건을 꼼꼼히 따져보고 장기적인 계획을 세우는 것이 중요합니다. 또한,  이자율이 다소 하락할 가능성도 있기 때문에, 시장의 흐름을 지속적으로 체크하는 것이 필요합니다.   3. 매물 증가 – 구매자들에게 더 많은 기회 제공 ✔ 지난 몇 년간  매물 부족 현상 이 부동산 시장의 주요 이슈였지만, ✔ 2025년에는 시장에 나오는 매물이  점진적으로 증가하면서 구매자들에게 더 많은 선택지가 제공될 가능성 이 있습니다. 📌  이 점이 중요한 이유 1️⃣  경쟁이 덜해질 가능성이 있음  – 팬데믹 기간 동안 극심했던  입찰 경쟁(Bidding War) 이 줄어들 가능성이 높음 2️⃣  매물 선택의 폭이 넓어짐  – 구매자 입장에서  더 좋은 조건의 집을 찾을 수 있는 기회 가 많아질 수 있음 하지만 여전히  지역별로 매물 상황이 다를 수 있으므로, 원하는 지역의 시장 흐름을 파악하는 것이 중요합니다.  2025년 미국 부동산 시장 전망 ✔  집값은 완만한 상승세를 유지하며, 급격한 상승이나 하락은 없을 가능성이 큼 ✔  모기지 이자율이 여전히 높은 수준을 유지하며, 주택 구매자들에게 부담으로 작용할 수 있음 ✔  매물이 점차 증가하면서 시장이 점점 안정화될 가능성이 높음 결론적으로, 2025년은 극심한 가격 변동보다는 '균형을 찾아가는 해'가 될 것으로 보입니다. 만약  집을 사고팔 계획이 있다면, 전문가와 상담하여 현재 상황을 분석하고 전략적으로 접근하는 것이 중요합니다. 지금 부동산 시장에 대해 고민하고 계신가요? 최신 시장 동향을 반영한  전략적인 계획을 세우고 싶다면, 부동산 전문가와 상담해 보세요. #시카고복덕방  #리얼터한상철   #한인리얼터   #시카고한인리얼터   #일리노이한인리얼터   #시카고리얼터  #한인부동산칼럼  #한인부동산   #부동산중개인  #ChicagoHomes #ChicagoSuburbHomes #Illinois_Best_Korean_Realtor #DuPageCountyHomes #CookcountyHomes #BestKoreanRealtor #Number1KoreanRealtor #Northbrook_Glenview_Schaumburg_BuffaloGrove_Naperville #Realtor_SangHan #chicagokoreanrealtor  #PlatinumPartnersRealtors #seller #buyer #markettrend

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